How to look after your Aran sweaters

Aran Sweaters like the ones from are great items of clothing that only look stylish and fashionable but they are also incredibly comfortable and long lasting. Whilst you can wash most modern clothing in your washing machine, although not all are suitable for tumble drying, there are a number of people who prefer to wash their aran sweater by hand to help preserve them for as long as possible and to prevent them from being pulled out of shape in the machine.

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Here are some steps to follow if you want to hand wash your jumpers.

  • Pre-soaking – this is one of the best ways to get stains and dirt out of your jumpers. It is best done in lukewarm water that contains a small amount of detergent. You can buy some that are purposely designed for woollen items. You can presoak for anything from an hour through to an overnight soaking. After this time you should rinse out your jumper a couple of times to get all the detergent out.

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  • Washing – now you can hand wash your jumper one last time to really give it a freshen up. Follow the same steps as for pre-soaking but don’t leave your jumper in the water for longer than half an hour. Rinse off and pay particular attention to the collar and cuff areas.
  • Drying – carefully squeeze out any water and then lay your jumper out flat to dry. You will need to ensure that it gets a lot of fresh air in order for it to dry effectively.

A mutant cause for the blockage?

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have been a pre-teen craze that has come and gone over the years. Starting off life as a young adult graphic novel, the four Turtles have seen lots of success as a franchise including several movies. TV shows, more books and comics, a role playing game and lots and lots of merchandising tie-ins like toys and lunchboxes.

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The origin of the Turtles begins with a mysterious Goo. It has the ability to morph and mutate and it does this to four young turtle babies and a pet rat. Determined to steal the formula is the evil Shredder and the Foot Clan. They are able to kill the creator but the rat, Splinter escapes with the baby Turtles and flees to the sewers.

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The Goo’s creator was something of a martial artist and it seems that Splinter has been affected by the mutant Goo too as he can speak and begins to teach the developing Turtles the way of the NInja so that they can get revenge.

Shredder and the Foot Clan seem at a loss to find the five escapees. If only they’d thought to employ the services of Drainaway CCTV Drain Survey Gloucester. This CCTV Drain Survey Gloucester based firm could soon have a camera down there to seek them out before they became powerful and rose up to challenge them. It’s why you need to check for any problems with the drain as soon as possible and don’t keep putting it off.

Taking Time out for Yourself

In our modern and fast moving world, finding time to ourselves can be difficult. With so many of the demands of modern day life, getting a bit of peace and quiet is difficult but also something that is important for both physical and mental well being. A lot of people feel that they are being selfish and feel guilty taking time out for themselves, but the truth is it is important to practise self care to ensure that you are well and happy and can then have a positive impact on those around you, both at home and at work.

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So what are good ways to give yourself that bit of positive time? Here are some ideas…

Take a daily walk – even if you combine it with something else such as taking the dog out or going to the shops. Put your favourite music on and enjoy just spending some time alone. Walking will also get your feel good hormones going.

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Massage is something which can have really positive effects on the body, from an immune system boost to better sleep. Even if you are struggling to fit a massage in, there are people who can come to you such as Mobile Massage in London Massage House.

Learn Something New – Whether a sport or a different language, joining a class and taking time to learn to do something is a great way to improve your mental health and restore the balance to your life. Have a look for classes in your area in something that you have always wanted to do.

How to Choose Shoes to Go with Jeans

Coming out of lockdown is fantastic news for most people, but many of us have been slobbing around the house in tracksuit bottoms for eighteen months. For a lot of us, the furthest we have ventured is the supermarket or the local parks for a dog walk. We all know that anything goes in terms of fashion whilst taking part in these activities!

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Getting Back out There

Now that restrictions are lifting, we are able to take advantage of the last of the summer weather and meet friends in the local beer gardens or take the other half out for a meal. If, like most of us, you have also piled on more than a couple of pounds, you may wish to update your wardrobe a little bit. Something like mens ETO jeans could be a brilliant place to start looking for some new bits to update your wardrobe.

Shop Online

Internet shopping was always going to become much more popular over the last eighteen months because of the pandemic and lockdown restrictions. It is now easier than ever before to browse and order items to try on in the comfort of your own home. Taking a look at should give you a place to start.

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How to Pair Shoes with Jeans

Figuring out what goes with what isn’t an exact science. It is all down to your personal taste and what you are most comfortable in. Generally speaking, the more casual jeans would probably look better with trainers than with a pair of polished winklepickers.

Looking at websites such as EJ Menswear, who have a wide range of clothing available, is a great place to get some inspiration. Well-fitted jeans in a solid colour are your best bet, as they are endlessly versatile. They will look fantastic with a crisp shirt and smarter shoes or with a casual t-shirt and trainers.

If you are much more about grungy boots, then keep the leg of the jeans slim so that you can accentuate your footwear.

Whatever your style, wear your clothes with confidence and you’ll look great!

How Can I Look After My Money?

How can I look after my money? That’s the question that many of us ask ourselves when we are faced with situations where money is needed but not on hand. There can be many reasons for needing to look out for our own finances. They can include paying off debts, investing or even looking after our children’s needs.

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When we have the means to look after our money, it really helps to know what to do with it. It can range from investing in our future and building up capital to saving and spending it. It is really up to us as to how we choose to handle it. Many people save their money by having a savings account either with a bank or a broker that allows them to invest in things such as shares, bonds and commodities. This way they are able to get a bigger rate of return than they would get a loan from a lender. Other people may use their money to invest in the stock market or take out a loan. For Tewkesbury Accountants, go to a site like Randall and Payne

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Whatever we choose to do with our money is up to us but taking the steps to protect ourselves against the unexpected is always wise. We don’t want to run up debt and find ourselves in financial turmoil. If we have over spent our money, we should look at ways of reducing our expenditure. If we have under-spent, then perhaps we should see if we can save some more. It is wise to have some money to spare in case unforeseen circumstances make it impossible for us to cope.

The Bond that doesn’t break

There was a time that a Bond film was the staple of the Christmas television schedule. Whilst digital and streaming packages have muted this TV “event” somewhat the films still have a huge draw and regularly pop up on the schedules. Regardless of what you use, a TV aerial is still an essential part of the home and Steve Unett Aerials, a TV Aerial Repair Cheltenham based firm, are needed to help fix and set one up for you.

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James Bond is the creation of Ian Fleming. However, the books that he wrote bore little resemblance to the films that Albert “Cubby” Broccoli made. One thing he did get right was making Bond the same misogynistic, cold killer that was in the books. The series began in the early Sixties with Dr No. All of Fleming’s books were turned into films until The Living Daylights which was the first of those written by other writers.

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Regardless, the theme ran on rejuvenating itself with the introduction of Timothy Dalton and Pierce Brosan. Daniel Craig gave the series a more gritty feel after the influence of Jason Bourne. Before, though it had started well, Roger Moore’s tenure had turned decidedly lame and lacklustre. It had such a great start with Sean Connery but the world was moving on.

For a start, the Cold War was over by the start of the Nineties and HIV/AIDS has put something of a damper on the womansing element as well.

Flairs are back? Seriously?

Let me start by saying, No, flares are not back. That’s ok, panic over. Flared jeans and trousers were a strange fashion item that seemed to take hold of western society in the 1970’s and refused to let go. They were also called bell bottoms. What was the point of them? Who knows. For men they started normally then just splayed out at the feet. Womens versions were strange. They did the same at the feet but the waist was small and they seemed to extenuate the buttocks. I’ve not found any logical reason for this.  By the Eighties, and I do mean 1981, they had gone and anyone in them was roundly ridiculed should they dare step out in them. The Punks never embraced them and they became the mainstay of hippies (who were pretty much gone by the mid Nineties).

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However, this headline was being uttered with a sense of some disbelief in 1989 up to 1992. What was the sudden reason for the, unwanted for the most part, flair jean trousers coming back?

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It was Madchester. Despite providing us with some great music and an underground scene that is still buzzing and providing inspiration even today some 30 years later  it also hit us with this. It’s not clear why. Shaun Ryder can barely recall anything  about the period without swearing and Bez wore shorts for most of it. Whilst The Happy Mondays were the main stars, other Manc bands were wearing them and being seen in the scene. Luckily they soon stopped and went back to decent Levi Jeans like EJ Menswear provide today.

How your mobile phone allows you to do social media

Once upon a time there was Friends reunited and then there was Facebook. It was a simpler time and soon the Friends reunited (despite ITV trying to get in on the act and buying it) fell by the wayside for the free, if you discount the ads and data gathering, Facebook. However to accesit you needed a Tower Unit computer or a laptop. It was soon clear a lot of fun was to had playing games and liking pictures of Spitfires and poppies on Remembrance Sunday. It was a nice waste of time and just something that could prove a few hours or minutes distraction.

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Enter the ability to access the internet via your phone and another chapter begins, one that we are only just beginning to get to grips with and realise what the effects are going to be. Now the humble Facebook has become a place for Generation X to hang out and the Babyboomers, playing catch up, are also finding likewise communities. The youth have gone to Tik Tok and Instagram. Everyone piles into Twitter because the human voice, no matter how senseless, uneducated and ignorant it is, needs to be heard, apparently.

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The social impacts of Social Media are far reaching. Friends have indeed been reunited. Love has bloomed and vast online communities are being formed and disbanded as we speak. It’s also brought hate, falsified news stories and misinformation. It’s also meant that Marketeers and Government can harvest our data and no more about us than ever before. Still want a phone? Go to King Communications at Vodafone near me.

Going to the Giants Causeway

One of the most perfect natural wonders of the world is located in the North of Ireland. In the county of Antrim lies the incredible, and unusual Giants Causeway. This is a collection of basalt columns that extend out into the sea. You can walk out into the Irish sea from here and even glimpse the tip of Scotland’s Dumfries and Galloway. This is where the Giant Bennandonna was supposed to come from so that he could fight with Finn MaCool to see who was the strongest.

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Sadly the Causeway is not made by mystical giants. It is formed by some unusually volcanic activity. Pressure and cooling create hexagonal columns, strange for nature to produce straight lines that form at different heights. Further up from the  Causeway you can see where the landscape is formed and made up of the columns to a great extent. The Giants Pipes for example are a nice little aside from the Causeway.

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It’s relatively easy to walk to the Causeway along the North Antrim Coastal path. You will need to be protected by the elements as you wander along here. It would make great sense to get some nice Aran Sweaters from Shamrock Gift. These are water resistant jumpers that are also proficient at keeping out the cold. Best of all they’re Irish in origin so you’ll even look the part as you take this trek.

How to Make Changes to Save the Earth

We often see a lot of distressing news that unfortunately tells us that the earth is in trouble. The climate crisis is starting, and as freak weather conditions happen around the world scientists tell us that this is a small sign of what is to come in the future. The time has come for everyone to act and make sure that we save the planet for the future.

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There are lots of things that we can all start to do and changes that we can make to help the planet to recover from the terrible effects of climate change – here are a few of them…

Solar power is a great source of energy and is something that we can all change to make sure that our homes are more environmentally friendly. From heating to electricity, there are lots of ways that we can adapt the home to use solar power.

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What we buy has a big impact on the environment – so much plastic and waste gets put into the oceans each year, so have a look for products made from bio-degradable materials like this bamboo toothbrush for example.

As well as cutting your carbon footprint you could also get fit at the same time – ditch the car and start cycling, and you will be saving fuel and money as well as the earth!

Meat consumption is destroying the forests and increasing greenhouse gases as land is cleared for livestock farming, so try to reduce or cut out meat from your diet altogether.