Three More Ways Thieves Can Target Your Car

As we’ve already seen, although car security technology has improved a lot in recent years, new technology has also opened up innovative ways for criminals to gain access to and even drive away your car. Technology means it’s often no longer necessary for thieves to physically damage the car by breaking a window or hot-wiring the ignition. Here are some more techniques that can be used.

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Range Issues

Keyless entry systems are convenient, but they can also leave cars unexpectedly vulnerable. Most keyless systems have a range of just a few feet, but do you know exactly what that range is? If your car is parked outside the house and the key fob is on the hall table, that could be close enough for the car to be unlocked.

Thieves know this and use the old-fashioned method of trying door handles to see if a car is unlocked. Even if your car isn’t stolen in this way, you run the risk of a flat battery as proximity to the key leaves electronics on standby and draining power. To guard against this, keep the key out of range or put it in a metal box.

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Code Grabs

How effective this threat may be is not currently fully understood. The theory is that criminals will lie in wait near desirable cars and use a scanner to capture the key fob’s signal when the owner approaches the vehicle. There’s not much evidence that this technique is widely used, but it is a theoretical risk. Additional security measures like Ghost Vehicle Immobalisers can ensure that even if the lock code is ‘grabbed’ the vehicle still can’t be driven away.

Hacking Apps

Many of the latest high-tech vehicles – particularly electric cars like the Tesla – are now linked to smartphone apps. These allow owners to locate the car and to control certain functions remotely. Apps can allow the vehicle to be unlocked via a password on a phone. Though of course fitting Ghost Vehicle Immobalisers available at can stop the car from being driven.

App passwords can be stolen or guessed – especially if they haven’t been reset from the default. The best way to keep your car secure therefore is to choose a secure password with a mix of letters and numbers that is hard to guess.