Things to consider when buying a park home

Buying a park home is not the same as buying any other home, and where a park home is concerned, it is important to consider the following points.

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Park homes are situated within a mobile home site or on specifically designated ground. It is important to remember that someone who owns a park home does not own the ground that it is on. The park home is mobile – not built in to the ground. Owners of mobile home sites must have the correct license for their site, as well as planning permission in order to provide a legal area for park homes.

The park home license will distinguish whether the site allows full-time residential living or limited time in the style of a holiday home. If a park home is occupied for more than the license permits, the local authority has the right to take legal action against the site owner.

Be aware of your rights – those who buy a temporary park home do not have the same rights or tenure security as those with a permanent park home. They are not protected under the law to the same extent.

Buying your park home from the site owner means you should receive a written statement 28 days before you sign any agreement, or before moving in. You have the right to negotiate utility fees.

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More information can be found here –

Site types

If a site is a permanent residential site, you can live in the park home all year round. However, some sites will be specifically for holiday homes only and this means the licensing arrangements only allow for temporary occupation.

For a year-round residential site, you must make sure it is ‘protected’ (permanent residential). Yet, some sites allow both types of residence – so ensure you are aware of the pitch-specific rules. If you are looking for park homes for sale Gloucestershire is well-served, with sites like

Specialist advice

A solicitor is not a requirement when buying a park home, but it is recommended by LEASE and the government, just to cover yourself before proceeding with the agreement.

A survey, like a solicitor, is not compulsory, but will make sure the internal and external aspects of the house are sound before buying.