5 Ways to Get Toned Like a Dancer

Dancers are generally renowned for their physiques, including fantastic overall muscle tone and a long, lean silhouette. But in addition to excellent overall form and proportion, dancers are often best known for their muscular legs, not to mention perfectly-rounded glutes. And if you’re looking for ripples of cellulite, good luck finding them on a dancer’s body. The point is that dancers work hard to become the masters of their bodies and it shows in their physical appearance. Luckily, you don’t have to become a professional dancer in order to look like one. All you have to do is adopt the physical fitness routines that dancers subscribe to, or at least develop a regimen that offers similar results. And a healthy dose of dedication will be required, as well. Here are just a few exercise options that will soon have the average man on the street confusing you with a dancer.

  1. One of the best exercise regimens designed to develop the long, lean musculature that dancers are famous for is Pilates. Not only does proper practice ensure that all of your muscles are working together through targeted movements and special attention to form, but the exercises involved are meant to work your muscles in specific ways. The end result is that you’ll experience overall strength and tone. In addition, your muscles will be long and strong, rather than bulky, giving you the lithe look of a dancer. And a focus on core strength will help you to stand taller and improve posture, another hallmark of the dancer’s physique.
  2. A dancer’s body is characterized by overall tone, and this is something that can be difficult to accomplish with your standard exercise regimen. In truth, you’ll probably have to perform a variety of different exercises if you want to accomplish what a dancer does. But if you’re looking for one workout to rule them all, so to speak, you can’t really go wrong with the whole-body resistance training offered by swimming. And the fact that it’s easy on your joints means you won’t find yourself suffering the sprains, strains, fractures, and other impact-related injuries that are part and parcel of a dancer’s existence.
  3. Toning your muscles won’t really make you lean unless you pair it with weight loss (or maintenance if you’re already a healthy weight). And keep in mind that any time you start building muscle you’re bound to gain a bit right off the bat. For this reason, you may want to include cardio as part of your exercise regimen, whether you jog, do aerobics, or hit up the elliptical machine for 30 minutes a day, 3-5 times a week (or more if you’re trying to lose weight).
  4. Weight training. Many people harbor the misconception that weight training is the same as bulking, but this is not the case. Bulking requires you to incrementally increase the weight you lift in concert with a high-calorie, high-protein diet. So if you don’t want to bulk, you don’t have to. But in order to strengthen and tone muscles, you’re going to have to work them and the best way is through targeted weight training. If you’re not sure how to do this on your own or you aren’t keen to fill your home with equipment, join a gym like Gold’s orFitness 19 that can offer you the facilities, equipment, and personal trainers to help you reach your fitness goals.
  5. Dance classes. The thing that dancers do that most people don’t is dance. So if your health and fitness goals include looking like a dancer, there’s no better way than to add dance classes to your routine. You can sometimes find classes offered at gyms where you hold a membership, but you might also sign up at a dance studio, look for courses at your local community college or through the community center, or simply buy fitness videos that offer dance routines.