What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy?

If you’re curious about what cognitive behavioural therapy is, you’re not alone. Many people suffer from various mental illnesses and cognitive behavioural therapy is a popular option offered to help. Read on to learn more about the therapy’s goals, benefits, and types of sessions. Ultimately, it is important to seek professional help when you’re experiencing mental health issues. Find out more about the benefits of Mental Health Training Courses by visiting Tidal Training

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A cognitive therapist teaches clients to identify and challenge distorted beliefs. These beliefs can lead to self-destructive feelings and behaviours. Cognitive therapy helps clients identify these beliefs and replace them with healthier ones. The therapist will often use a variety of techniques in techniques known as cognitive restructuring.

The treatment usually involves multiple sessions lasting about an hour, with clients identifying their thoughts, emotions, and beliefs, and challenging them. Individual clients may require multiple sessions depending on the severity of their needs. CBT aims to be efficient and time-limited, and the therapist and client work closely together. In addition, the treatment plan will typically include goals and timetables. The therapy process can be a little more complicated, though, if your mental health issues are complex.

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People can also refer themselves to CBT. There are many ways to access this therapy on the NHS. You can contact a qualified psychologist through your GP or other healthcare professional. The therapist will discuss your concerns and discuss treatment options. Most CBT sessions involve writing, and journal keeping can help you identify patterns, emotions, and actions. It can also help you develop coping strategies for situations that are difficult to deal with.