The Plight of the British Ash Trees

The Ash tree is one of the most beautiful trees to grace the British Countryside. A haven for wildlife and a beautiful tree. It has been revered since ancient times and is considered to be a tree of great power and is known in Norse mythology as the world tree, Yggdrasil. It has the power to connect the heavens and the earth and the other world through the roots of the tree.

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An ash tree, although wild, should still be well cared for if you have one on your land. A professional like this tree surgery Gloucester based company Geoffrey Urch will be able to care for and maintain the tree.

However, something that is threatening the existence of the Ash tree in Britain that a tree surgeon cannot help with is Ash dieback. A fungal disease that originated in Asia is threatening to destroy the beautiful Ash trees of the UK and along with it the countryside and the creatures that are dependent on the trees.

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It is estimated that over the next few years, over 80% of the Ash trees in the UK will be lost to this disease, as they have no immunity to it. There are organisations doing as much as they can to fight against this, but the fungus is a rapid spreader, with spores that can travel on the wind for up to ten miles.

However, there is some hope that a small number of he native Ash trees do have a tolerance to this fungus, which will enable their number to recover in the next half a century or so.