Smart Ways to Save Money on Energy

A significant part of a household budget goes on energy, but there are ways you can reduce these costs. From switching off lights and appliances when you’re not in a room to washing clothes by hand, making these simple adjustments will help you lower your bills and put more cash back in your wallet. To find out more about sustainable options like Solar Panel Installation Bristol, visit

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To reduce electricity costs even more, consider switching to LED light bulbs as they use approximately 90% less energy than standard incandescent bulbs and can last 25 times longer. You can also look for the green Energy Star logo when shopping for home appliances – they’re third-party certified to use more energy efficiently than traditional products.

You can save money by reducing your water usage too. That includes fixing any leaking taps, ensuring you run only full washing machine and dishwasher loads, and not letting the water run while brushing your teeth or taking long showers. Installing low-flow showerheads and toilets will help you use less water in your daily routines too.

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You can also lower your energy bills by using your cooling system more efficiently. For example, closing doors and air vents to rooms you’re not using can help your home cool more effectively, while using ceiling fans and turning off the thermostat during peak demand weekday hours can save you money. If you own your home, consider using a programmable thermostat to automatically shift your use of energy to cheaper off-peak times.