What you Need for a Camping Trip in February and March

If you are planning on a camping trip, at this time of the year the weather can still be unpredictable. Although February and March can have periods of lovely weather, and pleasant temperatures, we are also still very likely to experience high winds, heavy rain and even snow during these months, so when you are camping at this time of the year you really need to be prepared for all eventualities when it comes to the weather.

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Keeping warm when you are camping is really important, as it can be hard to get that heat back again once you have lost it. Thermal underlayers are a good idea for camping trips, as are items of clothing like this irish mens sweater https://www.shamrockgift.com/aran-sweaters/mens-aran-sweaters/ and of course waterproof coats in case of rain.

At night, make sure that you have a suitable bed, so have a mattress that is raised off the ground, especially if there is frost or snow as the ground will be cold. You will also need to make sure that you have a warm sleeping bag that is suited for lower temperatures, as well as blankets that you can use in addition to this.

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Hot food and drinks help you to keep warm, so pack things that you can easily make whilst camping – soup is always a good choice, and this will help to keep your body warm and also well hydrated during the day and at night.