Is it time to upgrade your conservatory?

Like everything in life, your conservatory isn’t going to last forever. Over time, both the roof and windows will reveal signs of damage and wear and tear. Many conservatories that were originally built in the 1970s and ’80s are no longer up to the job. Upgrading your conservatory not only makes it look nicer, but it can also help to reduce energy bills and keep your home warm while reducing damp.

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If you notice condensation forming between the glass panes, it is a sign that the double glazing is not working properly. According to Which, it’s likely that a lot of the warmth from the house is escaping through the panes, resulting in lost energy and higher monthly bills.

Condensation looks bad on a conservatory, but the more pressing issues are those of mould and damp. A conservatory that is insulated properly will be both cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. The best thing to do is to call out someone who is an expert in conservatories Worcester or wherever you happen to live.

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A conservatory that is functioning well should be able to keep droughts out. A conservatory is meant to trap warm air into the house during the winter months, so a cold conservatory is a sign that something isn’t quite right. If the windows themselves are cold to the touch, this is a signal that the double glazing might need renewing.

Interior Roof

Always check the roof regularly and remove any sludge build-up that occurs. Over time, the polycarbonate sheeting on the roof can become weak and brittle, which can cause water penetration that leads to even more damage down the line. If you notice that your roof is looking a little worse for wear, it may be time to seriously consider an upgrade. Whatever you decide, make sure you speak to a professional who knows all about Conservatories Worcester or your local area.

Design Change

Times change and so do styles, so if you’re stuck with an old aluminium or white-framed conservatory, maybe you should think about upgrading to some more contemporary styles. The glass box is not really in fashion anymore, and many people are turning to brick to provide more of an extension look.