What is Fluoride and How Does it Help Teeth?

Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that is added to our water supply to prevent tooth decay.

Fluoride is a trace mineral found in most living things and the amount in the water depends on how much fluoride is left in the soil. Fluoride is widely used for many health benefits. It helps strengthen teeth, prevent cavities, stop gingivitis, strengthen bones and helps keep our teeth and enamel stronger. Fluoride is essential for strong and healthy teeth; however, too much of it can be toxic to the body.

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Fluoride is a great benefit to all people aged 8 years and over, through their water supply and in their toothpaste. Did you know that the fluoride in the water supply can help reduce the prevalence of cavities by 30%? Consider switching your toothbrush to a Bamboo Toothbrush, available at a site like Bambooth, suppliers of Bamboo Toothbrush products.

When bacteria forms into plaque on a tooth, it will eat away at the tooth enamel and cause demineralisation to occur. Fluoride, when attached to a tooth, makes the enamel stronger and less at risk of the decay caused by demineralisation.

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Toothpaste is a great source of fluoride and regular brushing helps the teeth to absorb a healthy level of fluoride for protection.