How to Avoid Back and Neck Problems Working in an Office

Working in an office can come with many problems, and for many people one of these is back and neck pain. There are lots of people looking for help with these problems from sitting at a desk for hours, and places like this physio Monmouth based company who can help.

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But prevention is better than cure after all, and if you want to avoid suffering from bad back and neck problems, here are some things that you can do to help to prevent it…

Monitor Symptoms – If you have been having pains in your back and neck, it is a good idea to keep a note of when the pain starts, and whether it is worse at certain times of the day. This can help you to identify what is causing the problem and how to stop the pain becoming more severe or prolonged.

Take Breaks – It is really important that you regularly take breaks to move around the office and change your position. Take a walk at lunchtime and also take regular movement breaks throughout the day to make sure you are using other muscles and not putting too much strain on some of the muscles you are using when sitting at the desk.

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Practice Good Posture – When sitting at your desk, make sure that your monitor is at eye level, your shoulders are back, and you are flat against the back of the chair and use a footrest and a lumbar support.